The list of papers (First/leading author or author with major contributions): 1. Revealing the short-range structure of the mirror nuclei 3H and 3He, Hall-A Tritium Collaboration, S. Li, R. Cruz-Torres, N. Santiesteban, Z. H. Ye, et. al., Nature, 609, 41-45 (2022) 2. Measurement of the Nucleon F2n/F2p Structure Function Ratio by the Jefferson Lab MARATHON Tritium/Helium-3 Deep Inelastic Scattering Experiment, Hall-A Tritium Collaboration, Phy. Rev. Lett. 128, 132003 (2022) 3. Electron-Ion Collider in China, EicC Collaboration, Front. Phys. 16(6), 64701 (2021) 4. Novel observation of isospin structure of short-range correlations in calcium isotopes,Hall-A Collaboration,D.Nguyen, Z. Ye,et. al, Phys.Rev.C 102 (2020) 6, 064004 5. A small proton charge radius from an electron–proton scattering experiment,PRAD Collaboration,W. Xiong,, Nature 575, 147–150(2019) 6. Proton charge radius extraction from electron scattering data using dispersively improvedchiral effective field theory, J. M. Alarcon, D. Higinbotham, C. Weiss, Z. Ye, Phys Rev C99 (2019) 044303 7. Search for three-nucleon short-range correlations in light nuclei,Hall-A Collaboration, Z. Ye, et al., Phys. Rev. C 97 (2018) 065204 8. Proton and neutron electromagnetic form factors and uncertainties, Z. Ye, et al., Phys. Lett. B 777 8-15 (2018) 9. Unveiling the Tensor Charge of the Nucleon at Jefferson Lab, Z. Ye, et al., Phys. Lett. B767 (2017) 91-98 10. Proton Remains Puzzling,H. Gao, T. Liu, C. Peng, Z. Ye, Z. W. Zhao, The Universe 3 (2015) no.2, 18-30
The most updated (but not completed) list of papers can be found at: |