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Shuxu Yi:The Gravitational Wave Universe Toolbox

Title: The Gravitational Wave Universe Toolbox
Speaker: Shuxu Yi 易疏序 (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)

Time: 1:30pm, Dec. 23, 2021 (Thursday)
Location: New Science Building 理科楼 C302

Abstract: As the importance of gravitational wave astrophysics increases rapidly, astronomers interested in GW who are not experts can have a need to get a quick idea of what GW sources can be detected by certain detectors and the accuracy of the measured parameters. The Gravitational Wave Universe Toolbox is a set of easy-to-use, flexible tools to simulate observations on the GW universe with different detectors, including ground-based interferometers (advanced LIGO, advanced VIRGO, KAGRA, Einstein Telescope, Cosmic Explorer, and also customized interferometers), space-borne interferometers (LISA and a customized design), pulsar timing arrays mimicking the current working ones (EPTA, PPTA, NANOGrav, IPTA) and future ones. We include a wide variety of sources, including stellar mass compact object mergers, such as black holes, neutron stars, and black hole-neutron stars, supermassive black hole binaries, mergers and inspirals, Galactic double white dwarfs in ultra-compact orbit, extreme mass ratio inspirals, and stochastic GW backgrounds. We collected methods to simulate source populations and determine their detectability with various detectors. In this talk, I will give a comprehensive description of the methodology and functionality of the toolbox.

Bio:  Dr. Yi received his Ph.D. degree from the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2016. He worked at the University of Hong Kong and Radboud University as a postdoctoral fellow. Recently, Dr. Yi joined the Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS. His research interests mainly focus on theoretical aspects of compact objects, especially high energy emission mechanisms and gravitational wave rated topics.