Abstract: The possibility of producing non-perturbative low-scale gravity states in collider experiments was first discussed in 1998. The ATLAS and CMS expe…
Abstract:Large scale galaxy surveys have brought us unprecedented opportunities in exploring various mysteries of our Universe, e.g., dark matter and dark en…
Abstract: The precision cosmic microwave background (CMB) measurement and a hint of neutral hydrogen 21cm line observation tell us a lot about the CMB propa…
Abstract:Supermassive black holes and their external manifestation as AGNs figure prominently in many aspects of galaxy evolution. I discuss some pressing, u…
Abstract:In this talk, he would like to provide an overview of his research over the past few years. His main research focus is on topological phases under e…
Abstract:In March 2019, the FASER experiment which will search for new light, weakly-interacting particles in forward region of the interaction point of the …
Abstract:Superconductors, spin liquids, and topological semimetals are typical quantum materials currently under intensive study. In this talk, I will presen…
Abstract:High-energy cosmic rays are important probe of particle acceleration, propagation, and interaction in the Milky Way, as well as the turbulent status…