
Mapping Dirac Quasiparticles near Charged and Uncharged Impurities on Graphene

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Mapping Dirac Quasiparticles near Charged and Uncharged Impurities on Graphene

报 告 人:Victor Brar,加州大学伯克利分校



报告摘要:The response of ultra-relativistic Dirac particles to a Coulomb potential is central to understanding a wide range of electronic phenomena in graphene. Previously, Coulomb interactions in graphene have been probed by spatially averaged techniques that have not yielded a consistent picture. In this talk I will discuss recent scanning tunneling spectroscopy measurements around charged and uncharged impurities on a graphene surface. These measurements show with sub-nm resolution how Dirac fermions screen a Coulomb potential on graphene, and from these measurements we are able to extract useful information about the electron-electron interactions in graphene. The implications of these measurements to intrinsic graphene properties and to future graphene devices will also be discussed.