
Infrared interferometric view of nearby stellar systems

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Infrared interferometric view of nearby stellar systems

报 告 人:车筱,密歇根大学

报告时间:8月28日 (周二) 16:15


报告摘要:Optical interferometry has been growing rapidly in the last decade. The state-of-the-art interferometers can combine 4 to 6 telescopes simultaneously with the longest baseline of a few hundreds of meters, providing sub-milliarcsecond angular resolution. The science goals of optical interferometry have also been shifted from simply measuring stellar size to modeling and imaging much more complicated stellar systems. In the talk, I will review a little basic knowledge about optical interferometers, and then show a few examples of how they contribute to stellar astronomy, including the first image of a main sequence star beyond the solar system.