
The methoxy radical:An Incredible Playground for Hi-resolution Molecular Spectroscopists

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:The methoxy radical:An Incredible Playground for Hi-resolution Molecular Spectroscopists

报 告 人:Jinjun Liu,University of Louisville

报告时间:12月5日(星期三)上午 10:30


报告摘要:High-resolution molecular spectroscopy provides us with the most detailed information of the structure and properties of molecules. In this seminar, I will give a brief introduction to high-resolution molecular spectroscopy and then focus on one of the molecules that I have been studying, the methoxy radical (CH3O). In CH3O, spin and orbital angular momenta of electrons and vibrational motion of nuclei are coupled to each other in the Jahn-Teller and spin-orbit interactions. To decouple these interactions, different spectroscopic techniques - laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), stimulated-emission pumping (SEP), and microwave spectroscopy - are combined to determine the spin-rovibronic (rotational, vibrational and electronic) structure of CH3O as well as its deuterium isotopomers (CH2DO, CHD2O, and CD3O), which reveals geometry and dynamics of these intriguing molecules. The same spectroscopic techniques have also been applied to molecules with lower or no symmetry. In low-symmetry molecules such as ethoxy (C2H5O) and isopropoxy (i-C3H7O), the Jahn-Teller effect reduces to pseudo-Jahn-Teller effect. For larger molecules, different isomers and conformers can be identified in high-resolution spectroscopy studies. The obtained and analyzed spectra can be used both as a diagnostic tool in the investigation of chemical kinetics and as a test for quantum chemical calculations.