
仪鸣:Fe(Se,Te) superconductors—a rich prose of electron correlations

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Fe(Se,Te) superconductors—a rich prose of electron correlations

报 告 人:仪鸣教授, Rice University

报告时间:2018-08-16 16:00


报告摘要:Electron correlation effects give rise to a variety of emergent phenomena in quantum materials—high temperature superconductivity, electronic nematicity, Mott insulating phase, magnetism—just to name a few. The family of Fe(Se,Te) superconductors plays a remarkable host to all of these phenomena in different parameter regimes. In this talk, I will present recent angle-resolved photoemission results on two aspects of electron correlation effects in this material family—i) orbital-selective Mott insulating behaviors towards the FeTe end of the phase diagram, and ii) electronic nematicity in completely detwinned FeSe. Both examples showcase the phenomenal way that correlation effects rewrite the low energy electronic states of a material system, and reveal the exceptional role the orbital degree of freedom plays in composing the fundamental physics in iron-based superconductors.